Here is a catchup of the middle section of my garden. I have spent the entire spring and summer on my hands and knees sieving the evil clay soil but as you can see, its been well worth it. I tried to do a row at a time and for every bag of soil sieved more than half of it was stone. it has been incredibly hard going and when the weather has been hot i haven't been able to do anything.
I mixed the sieved soil with compost, raked it level and then used boards to compress it, then it was watered.The boards were vital as i needed to soil to be compact or it will sink when its finished and be lumpy. I have had to add layers of compost, water it then flatten it over and over again until it is pretty solid underfoot. I think i have used around 20 bags of 125 ltr compost. Its going to be a very expensive lawn by the time its finished!!!
The cobbled pathway is in place and will be the same height as the turf so i can mow straight over the top. I am going to plant Thyme in the pathway and see what happens...should be interesting.
Today i am going to liberate myself and throw away my sieves!!!! lol
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