Monday, 19 July 2010

Cucumbers and Melons.

I didnt do anything to my greenhouse for a whole weekend and everything grew like crazy. I gave the plants their first feed a week ago. Its been hard work tying all the shoots and removing the bits that wind round the supports. I am going to grow less plants next year. Oh, and NO POWDERY MILDEW this year at all. I wont grow the Telegraph cucs again as they start the mildew. Marketmoor are what i have growing and they are very happy in my greenhouse.

cucs 12 7.2010

This cucumber is about a week ago.

12.07 2010

I am going to have to find some alternative ways of using cucumbers as i am going to have a lot. My neighbour says she is going to make wine from hers.....Watch this space for that one lol


  1. Cucumber... Wine?!?

    Mine are coming on nicely.
    1 is ready to harvest and is around 10 inches long by 2 inches diameter.
    First time growing them for me. Planted 2 lots of courgette by mistake last year... lol.
    Burpless Tasty Green variety.

  2. I have the recipe for the wine here Chris...

    Cucumbers are so easy but a lot of work tying them in but well worth it

  3. I've not tied anything in, just got it growing up a metal frame au-naturelle...

  4. They are amazing for grabbing hold and supporting themselves. I pick off the tendrils so they dont waste any energy

  5. I have helped a few tendrils find a suitable latching place.

    One tried to grab my Tomato vine the other day!

  6. Just make sure you dont stand still for too long or they will have you too! I cant be arsed to pick any more off, they can do what they want now. When i run out of tomato flowers to pull off i might start again :)
